Thursday, February 9, 2023

Free Classes from The College Tour TV Series

Below you will find a number of classes to help you learn about and navigate your higher education journey. Each class is video-based, using segments from The College Tour TV series. All videos in the class are told by your peers. The classes are for all ages, from middle school to high school students to adult learners. We have also found that teachers, counselors, and parents see value in taking these classes in order to have educated conversations with young people about their college search.

All classes are FREE and take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete!

When finished with your class, please enter your email address. This is where we will send you your answers, along with a certificate of completion. You will have the ability to also share your answers with your teacher, counselor, or parent/s.

Click on any of the classes below to begin your journey. We hope you enjoy!

The College Tour’s ‘Core’ Class

The College Tour‘s ‘Core’ Class. Here we walk through the four pillars for finding the right college for you: Location, Campus Culture, College Type and Majors.

First Generation Students Class

If you are a first-generation student interested in attending college, then this could be a great tool for you. In this class, we cover many of the key components in the ‘Core’ class, but with a focus on first-generation students.

International Students Class

If you are an international student, then this is the perfect tool for you. In this class, we dive into the many resources available to help you navigate your college search in the USA.

College Majors Class

In The College Tour‘s ‘College Majors Class’ we dive deeper into the vast areas of study at colleges and universities across the country. This is a great class to both learn about college majors, as well as potential careers you may be interested in.