As the end of summer officially approaches and we start to fall back into our autumn routines, the return to school – whether elementary, secondary or college - can be an exciting but also anxious time. This can be true for the child/teen, but even a parent, caregiver or educator might be feeling worried or stressed about the upcoming school year. At ADAA, we recognize the effect going back to school can have on all of us, and we want to make sure this issue of Triumph touches on some important concerns. If you’re feeling unsettled about back-to-school this year, you are not alone. Mental health professionals say there are ample reasons — from academic and personal loss from COVID and violence and school shootings to developmental delays and emotional struggles — for someone to be concerned or anxious. But knowledge, resources and preparation can help alleviate some of those pre-school (and preschool) jitters and get us in a mindset to enjoy, look forward to and not stress - so much - about academic year 2022-2023. Whether you’re the one going back, know someone going back, or are sending your child(ren) back to school, we hope you find useful and relevant information in this issue.