Friday, February 25, 2022

UNC Chapel Hill Project Uplift


Project Uplift is a summer enrichment and college access program designed to promote and increase access to higher education for rising high school seniors, especially those underrepresented in postsecondary education. Every year, during May and June, approximately 1,000 high school seniors participate in one of four separate Project Uplift sessions. Traditionally, this is a two-day experience, Project Uplift participants live on Carolina’s campus, interacting with faculty, staff, and current students, participating in educational, cultural, and social activities. Project Uplift Scholars have the opportunity to immerse themselves in college life and experience the academic rigor and social climate of a four-year institution.

For over 50 years, Project Uplift has consistently provided a diverse selection of rising high school seniors from across the state of North Carolina with an opportunity to live, lead, and learn about the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on a first-hand basis.

Project Uplift 2022

This year, Project Uplift will feature both on-campus and virtual components. You’ll join us in Chapel Hill for a day full of exploration of our campus, advice for applying to college, and opportunities to get to know other talented rising seniors and current UNC students. Virtual offerings will provide additional support as you explore which college or university will be a good fit for your future. We are committed to ensuring everyone’s safety and will adjust the dates of the program in accordance with Carolina’s community standards during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Learn more about Project Uplift HERE

APPLY HERE by March 14, 2022