Monday, September 27, 2021

Counselor Mini Workshop for Parents #9- Understanding the Financial Aid Equation: How does it all work?


The financial aid system doesn’t work by just completing a FAFSA and hoping! It is a very specific and complex set of rules that will determine how much you will pay and how much financial aid you can get at each school. When you know the rules, you can play to win. Your opponents (the government and schools) know them very well. Unfortunately, most parents simply don’t know the rules of the financial aid game. Let us help!

The HEFAR Group is a non-profit company with a mission to help make college more affordable for everyone. As one of the top college funding advisors in the country, we know every loophole available to help you get more free money for college. Click above to view this week’s Financial Aid Mini Workshop.

If you like the information in our Financial Aid Mini Workshop, click below to view our full-hour recorded webinar, Beat the High Cost of College!

You can also Click Here to see what others are saying about The HEFAR Group.