A Symposium for High School Students, Counselors, and Educators
The Volunteer Association of UNC Health Care is pleased to offer the Health Careers Symposium again this year as a unique opportunity to high school students interested in pursuing a health career. Neonatal Critical Care will be the morning topic, followed by a tour of our many hospitals and departments, as well as hands-on experience with our patient simulators.
To register, fill out and return the registration form. If you have questions or would like to have information sent directly to you, please contact us at volsvcs@unch.unc.edu or by telephone (984) 974-4793.
During the Symposium
The symposium will be held Thursday, October 17, 2019. Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. in Carrington Hall, UNC School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
The program will include:
- Breakfast will be served from 8 to 9 a.m.
- Lunch provided by Chick-fil-A
- Afternoon hospital tours
- The program will be completed by 2:30 p.m.