Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Stress Management And Resilience Training for Teens

Got stress? Having any struggles with school, family, or friends? We are recruiting teens age 14-17 to participate in a research study to test two different courses for lowering stress and improving health and wellbeing in teens. Courses meet once a week for 8 weeks, and then once a month for 6 months after that. Refreshments will be served at classes and teens will receive up to $175 for participating in this study. Please contact:  S.M.A.R.T. Project, UNC Program on Integrative Medicine,, 919-966-8586 or visit to see if you’re eligible.

The S.M.A.R.T. Project (Stress Management And Resilience Training for Teens) is a research study that aims to learn about mood in teens, and whether emotional well-being can be improved with skills training. The project will test and compare two curricula that both aim to improve stress management and resiliency skills. The skills training curricula will be delivered through 8 weekly sessions followed by 6 monthly “booster” sessions to reinforce the skills taught during the 8 weeks.