Monday, September 11, 2023

Open to Care Campaign


You don't have to keep the hurt inside. Talk to someone. Teens face a lot of pressures and stresses today. It’s OK not to be OK sometimes. Feelings of loneliness, anger and worry are completely normal, and you’re not alone. Many teenagers struggle with thoughts and feelings that make it harder to be with friends and do the things they want to do each and every day.

Reaching out for help can be scary, but it’s actually incredibly brave. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services recently launched a campaign for schools called “Open to Care.”  This campaign recognizes that young people face a lot of pressure and stress today. And that it’s OK not to be OK sometimes. However, things like social media and social norms and expectations can often make asking for help difficult. Feelings of loneliness, anger and worry are completely normal, and no one is ever alone. Yet many teenagers struggle with thoughts and feelings that make it harder to be with friends and do the things they want to do each and every day. But help is available when students know where to look.

For more information about NCDHHS's Open to Care, please click here: