Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Meredith Impact Scholarships

At Meredith College, we believe a strong education should be accessible to all students. We also know that for most students, the cost of attending college is a significant factor in their college search. We offer a range of financial assistance options to make our strong education affordable.

New Meredith Scholarship Guarantee

Meredith Impact Scholarships will be awarded to first-year students who have a 3.3 unweighted GPA and 1100 SAT/22 ACT. Admitted first-year students are guaranteed to receive a minimum $20,000 annual scholarship award if academic qualifications are met. Students with exceptional qualifications will receive Impact Scholarships up to $23,000.
Facts about Meredith’s financial assistance:
● Over $55 million in financial assistance is coordinated annually
● The average aid package awarded to first-year students is $30,334
● Over 95% of first-year students receive scholarships and/or financial assistance
● $26 million in scholarships and grants was awarded last year With numerous scholarships, grants, and loans available, attending Meredith College can be remarkably affordable. Contact your Admissions representative by phone: (919) 760-8581 or email: admissions@meredith.edu.

Share Meredith’s admissions blog with your students. It has tips and advice for navigating the college search.
Contact your Admissions representative by phone: (919) 760-8581 or email: admissions@meredith.edu.