Thursday, September 9, 2021

National Council for Suicide Prevention: Save Lives Campaign

About Take 5 to Save Lives

In partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) co-sponsored the first annual World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th, 2003 to focus public attention on suicide prevention efforts and activities. Since then, communities, individuals, practitioners, researchers and other professionals around the globe have responded each year on September 10 by raising awareness of the global burden of suicide, implementing prevention initiatives or campaigns, announcing important research findings, developing region-specific prevention strategies and widely sharing other suicide prevention-focused activities.

To assist in IASP efforts, the National Council for Suicide Prevention (NCSP) launched the Take 5 to Save Lives campaign. Take 5 encourages everyone to take 5 minutes out of their day and complete five action items on September 10: Learn the warning signs, Know how to help, Practice self-care, Reach out, and Spread the word. 


The National Council for Suicide Prevention is a coalition of eight national organizations working to prevent suicide. The mission of the NCSP is to advance suicide prevention through leadership, advocacy and a collective voice. During the last year, these organizations have directly impacted the lives of over 2 million people and generated over 100 million media impressions.

Learn about the 5 steps that you can take to save lives below: